Friday 31 August 2012

Better and better!

I currently have time to update this blog as I was a bit of a retard this morning. Other GU faculties had their induction days at 10.00, which I thought was the same for Social Sciences, it wasn' was at 1500 which I only found out sifting through my e-mails while wondering where the other international students are. 

I could really have used the sleep in this morning, even though I got back to my room at quarter to midnight, the other guys were partying on to past 2AM. I'm so happy knowing how they will have to suffer today at their happy :-) Yeah, it's a bit evil but I think it's valid.

This city just keeps getting better and better. You keep finding more cool places in Gothenburg to go to and hang out in. I've made a little group of friends since the last blog entry, our little group consists of an English girl, a Swiss German, a German living in Switzerland another Australia, and myself of course. 

(Niklas, Jonas and Rhian)

We have already had a general induction to GU in terms of what is expected of us, rules and regulations, all the boring stuff. However where we had it was pretty nice. It's not actually a part of the University, it's the Bethlehem Church on Vasagatan because the GU auditorium hall isn't big enough anymore to seat all the International Students they take in now.

I thought the student life was good in Australia but in Sweden it's even better. The welcome reception by the major of Gothenburg was awesome! We were all invited to the Old Stock Exchange building and honestly the place is magnificent! There was free (good quality) food and wine as well, I not really a wine drinker usually but whatever that bottle of red was, I love it! I felt so under dressed but at least I wasn't the worst one there by any measure, there as one guy in a singlet.

The general buzz in Gothenburg is really cool. It's a huge city really and there is a lot of it I still haven't covered yet, but it's got this chilled out vibe that you never get in any other big cities around the world. You can walk at your own pace and not going to get in anyone's way or irritated anyone, there is so much space here and plenty of it consists of little parks and gardens. Really enjoying this Fika culture too. Fika is like coffee, cake and some good conversation which is something I'm always up for. You hear about Sweden being expensive, and it is, but this place called Pour Bon (I think that means For Good in French?) which is pretty classy but cost 50SEK for a large coffee and a meringue. Not bad at all! There are street musicians around as well so you always have something nice to listen to at the same time. It's so easy to relax here. I have to say, Gothenburg is awesome!

The language is slowly coming on as well. I still don't really understand too much or can say anything in Swedish but each day you pick up words here and there and getting used to the way they pronounce things. It may not be as difficult of a language as I once thought :-)

I'm looking forward to getting accustomed to the University and getting some sort of routine back. It's been really good though having all this time off to get accustomed to the city. Still don't quite know my way around off by heart but I have a pretty good idea which is just going to make life as a student a heap easier.

'Till next time, thumbs up!

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