Sunday 16 September 2012

Update + Swedish Course

What's up everyone? It seems here that every single day something is going on in terms of parties or events. I've not even been going to half of these things and still it is exhausting. There was a joint birthday party going on last night and I just had to sit this one out and have a quite night in as I heard everyone partying from outside my door. My limit of being around large groups of people is not too high I guess.

The weather here is getting progressively colder. Had a few nasty rainy days but as it does in Gothenburg, the day does a complete 180 and brings the sunshine out again. There is seriously never any point in looking at the weather forecast here. I don't even bother with a weather app on my phone anymore (just so you know I'm serious :-P ).

Student Kick-Off Gothenburg was on the other night at Trädgård'n. There were apparently some pretty big names playing (big 'Swedish' names). The only one I had actually heard of before was Iconica Pop who didn't even bother to show up, so that was nice. They know students like to come to these sort of things quite late so they really tried to get people there by 7pm indicating that people that come much later wouldn't get in and it kind of ruins the night doing things that way. By 11pm the club had cleared half of itself out from people who had gotten there earlier.

Even late at night it feels safe in Gothenburg. Even at around 2am I've never felt unsafe at a tram stop waiting to get home. There is no drunk people spilling out onto the streets, shouting or violence it seems. I'm sure there are dodgey spots over here but it's nice to be able to feel safe in the city centre and on public transport where you often can't avoid being.

What I really want to start doing is a bit of travel around the rest of the continent. I'm surprised no one else here has mentioned getting away for a weekend, especially since going out here in Sweden is mega expensive compared to the rest of Europe (not compared to Australia though, it's actually a little cheaper). We did book a cruise from Stockholm to Riga, Latvia and planning a trip to Lapland but these are a bit later in the semester. I wanna go somewhere now!

17 Sept 2012 UPDATE: I thought I would just edit the above entry since there isn't much new to add and the previous entry could use a bit of bulking up of content anyway.

So I literally just got back from Swedish language for beginners and I have to say, learning this language is really fun! Yeah okay so I'm a nerd, whatever. Seriously though it's just got such a nice sound to it and I love the way you sort of jump up and down with the tone. It's a pretty simple language too in the way it is structured so I'm really gonna give it a go to get as good at this as I possibly can.

It was in another section of the University near Körsvagen (tram stop which is three stops from outside my apartment) which I had never been to before but had walked past it so many times. Really beautiful little garden outside too. I love this place more the longer I stay and the more I see. So funny how I was worried if this place was going to be any good when I first arrived.

So my first real entry in Swedish:
Hej! Jag heter Andrew. Jag kommer från Australien och jag bor i Göteborg.
(Hey! I'm called Andrew. I come from Australia and I live in Gothenburg)

Learning Swedish like a boss! Yeah! Jag gillar min språkkurs :-)

Oops! One more thing I will add is that I actually ran out of mobile data today. Got a text from Halebop saying that I can still use it, but it's just going to be slower. Haha, even on my exhausted pre-paid card this downgraded internet is still faster than Vodafone in Perth. How bad is that? Anyway, just thought I'd throw that in.

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