Sunday 18 November 2012

Helmutsrogatan Student Housing, Gothenburg

Most people find my blog searching Google for Helmutsrogatan (Helmutsrogatan 13 & Helmutsrogatan 15). This is a random blog post but I figured since a lot of people are looking for information, I'd add something on here to offer something more relevant for what people are searching for. I myself had to choose blindly to what student accommodation I was supposed to choose due to almost no good information online.

Helmutsrogatan is arguably the best student housing that you will get offered at GU. The location is great and the living conditions are superb. The only housing that is located better than Helmuts is Olofshjöd which is one tram stop away, but you don't get a kitchen or fridge - you have to share with about 14 people. Plus Olofs is a bit like living in an old fashioned council block, I personally would hate it. The other housing options are apparently good but they are kind of in the middle of nowhere.

When you first arrive / Getting to the SGS Office

From Landvetter Airport: There is a 'Flygbuss' that will take you from Landvetter airport to a tram station called Korsvägen. From there, jump on Tram 2 (Mölndal) or Tram 4 (Mölndal) and stop at Almedal

From Centralstationen: You just catch the 2 or 4 to Möldnal to Almedal. Look for the signs to Spårvagn (Trams).

At Almedal: The SGS Studentbostäder Office is somewhere in Olofshöjd, I don't know the easiest way to get there on foot since I drove in, but I've put a map up to make it a bit easier. I'll ask one of the other guys later on how they get there, I know it looks confusing. There are lots of stairs and paths that are unmarked in this area and should be easier than the maps makes it looks.

(Don't worry, I didn't use Apple Maps!)

Now to get to Helmuts: Now jump back on the Tram and get off at the next stop which is Elisidal. The student housing is across the road from the Shell/7-11 petrol station.

Finding your room and shops at Helmuts

Building 13 and 15 are in the same place and there is no difference in the rooms, 13 is closest to the petrol station and 15 is on the other side.

Finding your room: Some people may think this a stupid thing to put on here but when I first came I could not for the life of me see the numbers on the doors. They are up on the top left corner and are extremely small. If your room is 1xxx your are on the second floor, 2xxx the third floor, etc.

Getting home: Catch either Tram 2 or Tram 4 to Mölndal again. These two Trams will always get you back home.

Food Shopping: There are two food stores close by, Willy's is your normal food store and then a bit further down the road is ICA Maxi, which is a food store plus a general goods store so you are able to buy some basic bedding (which you will need since non are supplied in your room) and will have a better selection of pots, pans and containers if the person before you did not leave any.

Mölndalsvägen is basically Mölndals Road, everything you need is on this street and within 5-10 minutes walking from the student housing. Both these photos below were taken from Mölndalsvagen.

ICA Maxi (Left) and Willy's (Right)

Furniture: The best idea is to make your way to IKEA but there is a nice second hand store in the same area of shops that Willy's is in that is pretty cheap. It's nice to get a rug or something to cosy up the room a little.

Gym: There is a Sportlife on Möldnalsvägen before you turn to into Willy's. They offer student discounts.

Gothenburg: Tram 2 will take you to Brunnsparken which is where you will likely want to go to be in the centre of Gothenburg. It takes roughly 10 minutes.

Getting to your Uni Faculty

Handelshögskolan (Left) or Social Sciences (Right): Tram 2 will take you straight to Handels' tram stop, but the quickest and nicest way is to take tram 4 to Valand and walk up Vasagatan until it ends. To your left will be Handels and in front of you, cross the raod (Sprängskullsgatan) to get into the faculty.

Campus Linné: Catch Tram 2 to Linnéplatsen and keep walking in the direction that the tram would be going. You will see it.

Main Building: Is on Vasagatan, you will see it on your left walking up from Valand if you take the number 4. For orientation you are likely to end up in Bethlehem's Church which is directly across the road.

I think that's all I can think of for now. I hope this helps give you some sort of bearing to what will be your new home for the next 6 months, year, or however long you decide to stay :-)

Throw a comment down below if you like this info or you think something else needs to be added!


  1. I'm not sure about Chalmers but with GU when you are registering yourself online you are giving a link to apply for student housing. It may be an idea to contact SGS (Studentbostader) or Gothenburg University as they actually rent places from SGS to rent to their students. I know there is actually a bit of an issue with meeting the demand for houses and I'm sure the way it works is the further away you come from the greater priority you are given. If you really get stuck check out for private rentals/share housing. If something isn't clear or you have more questions, just ask! Best of luck!

  2. Hi! I have a question.
    Is Helmutsrogatan a noisy place to live? I was thinking about moving in but from what I've heard there'sa lot of partying going on there. And I'm not really into partying every weekend.
    Best Regards

    1. Yeah in all honesty it was pretty noisy, but it wasn't long before parties were banned for us because it got out of hand. So I don't know how strict they are now. Also it's not too bad noise wise unless you are on the first floor like I was. The rooms are fairly well noise insisted.

  3. Hello, I'm seeking housing for my son who will being studying abroad starting 08/26 and returning on 12/23/2019. He will be studying at Chalmers University of Technology. He's registered on the SGS Studentbostäder and we've look at numerous housing choices, the ones of interest is not allowing us to select. It appears that it only allows for a particular study. We were looking at Olofshojd and Viktor Rydberg. Any recommendations on housing closest to Chalmers University of Technology?

    Thank you.

  4. Hello, after reading your blog I am really interested in renting a flat in Helmutsrogatan. I am thinking of renting the Helmutsrogatan 13, is there by any chance you still remember which flat numbers would be those that are facing the street, instead of the opposite building (the Helmutsrogatan 15).

    Thank you

  5. There is a common rumor that student loan and grant funds can only be used for dorm living.

    Best student accommodation in Leicester

  6. Hello! I’m moving to Helmutsrogatan, and I’d like to know if there are basic furniture (bed, desk, etc). Thank you so much!!!

    1. I’d like to know to, because I am also moving to Helmutsrogatan

  7. Hi, even though this is 12 years later, your post still helps massively. Thank you so much for all the informationt! I will report back if anything changed in the meantime for people looking at this in the future.

    1. How is everything? I will move-in in August and would like to know if anything changed from the blog post...
